Wednesday 9 July 2014

Snippets from a four year old

Today I am flying back to the UK as my father died last week. It was not unexpected although it has still been a horrible shock. 

I have spent lots of time talking to Esme and Rowan about this; and have had to answer many interesting questions that plague a 4 year old's brain. 

I have explained that my dad is going to be cremated which met with lots of amusing questions - 'What? You mean people are going to set fire to Grandpa? Won't that hurt?' I then had to explain that No; people weren't going to actually be setting fire to Grandpa, just his clothes. 'What?! Even his pants?!' This if course was met with peels of laughter.

Esme seems to be quite worried about the lady that lived next door to my dad, who used to shout 'Wheres me knickers'?' all the time. She wants to know if Grandpa had gone with her and, of course, if she'd found her pants. 

Rowan of course is more stoical, and last night we we talking about me going home and he said  in a rather disappointed little voice 'I really thought you and Daddy were going to be together for ever Mummy'. I replied 'Of course we're going to be together for ever darling'. He replied with 'Well, you're going away aren't you?' To which I explained I was going home for five sleeps. He then said 'Isn't Daddy your Prince Charming any more Mummy?' I reassured him that Guy was indeed my Prince Charming and he accepted this quite happily. 

It has been a very emotional few days for all of us and I'm sure there will be many more of these to come. 

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