Saturday 19 July 2014


5 minutes north of the working port of Eureka is college middle class hippyville called Arcata (pronounced R-CAYDA) where Humboldt state university is sited. We went to Saturday farmers market

This was where its at for a saturday early. On the town square surrounded by boutiquey, local shops and some hard bitten long dark bars on one side.
Free self made headgear. They had run out of feathers.  It was to publicise a 20's play
But an hour of rest was still required
Followed by a performer about to walk on broken glass.  In order to get more kids and adult attention he asked the existing kids to scream "the sort of horrible scream that causes your mum and dad to stick their fingers on their ears". They duly obliged and yes the bones in my ears jangled together even in a non enclosed space!
Then bubbles
"We love this place. We dont want to go"...of course I dont write about the tantrums...
 Then to local redwood park then back for fire

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