Monday 7 July 2014

Council Crest Park

in the words  of  that famous entertainer from Australia..."can you tell what it is yet?".......its a strawberry sandwich.  Esme displaying early signs of being too cute. The necklace was given to her by an old man who ran a stall in the Portland farmers market 
my phone camera is great for portability and closeups but doesn't really do justice to the view. the mountains in the background are over 40 miles away eg Rainier Baker etc 
as we were waiting we saw a woman with a built body totter  along  on her wedges being held up by her man who was not in such quite good shape. When she nearly fell over she  looked at the ground to see what had caused it but there was nothing there. She  held  on tight to his arm after this
As we were leaving the top and I was leaving the blind  side of a tree, I saw a red sports car go past and inside was the bloke and the tottery  lady
Later we went to Jamison Square where there is a water feature the kids can play in. I walked  to the nearby safeway and chose some lollies that had pumpkin, carrot, pear, apple and orange juice in them.  The kids  liked them and we had one  spare so Rowan took it over to give to a 2 year old nearby. But the lolly was too big for the size  of the child so a lot of it melted before he could get  his chops around it 
Then it was back to Patti and Richards house for our  final night of airbnb before going to our new  host Janet

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard the UK news about the famous entertainer from Australia?
