Wednesday 9 July 2014

Portland - animals behind glass

first job today was to try new  batteries in the thrift shop  my little pony house. Nothing. then lots of scratching of rusty points  later  it sprung to life.
the next step was getting the donkies.....sorry ponies  onto their rotating turntables so that the new functionality could be seen to best effect.  Janet our host said with a  smile "I often find that the paddling pool is a good place for those sort of things".....(as the tune is very annoying and repetitive) 
then we drove 6 miles across town 
at one point I walked away expecting the kids to follow and Esme didn't and next thing she came  up tearfully a little more than she is feeling a little fragile without Mum. So a bit more carrying and vigilance is all that is required
a turkey vulture, you know one of them had a Scouse accent, and one had too much hair in The Jungle Book 
a bit of goat petting,  reluctant at first, in the end had to be dragged away 
back in time for the 2nd semi of the world cup. 

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