Monday 7 July 2014

Portland - at our new host family

The night before we left, I thought i'd log onto Sarahs  email (I have to do this from time to time) to check  her baggage in.  I found out then that her flight booking had been cancelled as we had not responded to a follow up test card check email in  time.  So a couple of transatlantic phone calls later we had sorted out her credit card (for hiring a car when she is back in England) and confirmed that the flight booking really had been cancelled.
Next morning we were able to rebook without any extra cost so that is a relief. At least she didn't get to the airport and find that there was no plane ready for her
After this packing to leave our airbnb host was easy as we had not unpacked the boot of the car. We'd only brought  out our dirty washing.  We later realized we still managed  to  leave the shampoo there
the drive across Portland took  only 20 minutes of high  octane freeway driving with Sarah interpreting the googlemaps directions for me.  We then arrived to Janet and Stevens  house on Flanders Street. Their two kids Jansen and Grant 11 and 8 were ready for us too.  They have a huge box of lego so Rowan was straight into that. Esme wasn't quite sure where to  put herself  so she got some of her own toys out and started playing.  As Sarah is leaving tomorrow we are very aware that last time she went away it was much harder for Esme so we are keeping  a close eye on her particularly
But when it came to 2 older boys on bikes and 2 younger  ones on scooters  she was fine as we all zipped  along the pavement to the shop
then the stag rutting began. even  though Grant is twice Rowans age. We had to make sure the purchases were shared evenly between the 4 mini carts 
later hanging up the washing became a trial of stretching and getting the peg the right way.  Sarah was packing for  her trip back and understandably a bit preoccupied. I was preoccupied with rebooking our week in San Francisco  with a new airbnb host. As its late July and a very popular city our options were running out. A host who had accepted us previously had now claimed double booking  owing to software issues. Well I know that  software issues can really  happen  (Creditors  don't laugh)...but I still needed a booking  so I was reduced to searching for 2 adults instead of 2 plus 2. and also searching for 3 days in  one property and 4 in another.
I had an  unpleasant feeling  in my stomach and wasn't sure if it was about the  dissatisfaction of being messed around by an airbnb host or if it was because Sarah is about to go home and   i'm worried about the impact on Esme 
I then went next door to the neighbours to print off itineraries for Sarah
then took the kids to the park so Sarah could pack  without disruption
We were on a space ship of course, heading to Neptune (Rowan chose this) but when we had to go through customs Esme had cakes so was allowed through  but Rowan  had guns and knives so was not allowed through.
then  We met a Russian wife of an American man who was with her daughter in the playground and we spoke for about 20 minutes about Portland, travelling, working, renting, our trip, her situation, my view of Russia etc 
Upon coming back from thepark the airbnb  situation was resolved  hooray!
 so this is an incredibly friendly district with open front doors and kids playing  basketball in the road etc. anyone who walks past says hello
 it was only a next  couple of days ago
Esme found her place. After dinner she and Rowan disappeared for ages. I then realized they had ingratiated themselves  with the neighbours over  the road. So I though I better  go and say hello. Adam and Amy were charming and their 3  year old Sarah was upstairs and Esme was in her element with dolls and prams etc.
So I had a bit of  a loss of fear about the next 5 nights as I now realize we are going to be  surrounded by  kids in an open  air environment and  Esme is going to have plenty of play mates. So  I think the next 5 days will be tougher for Sarah than for me

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