Tuesday 29 July 2014

Santa Cruz

2 hrs south of The City is the college surfing town that boasts of endless summers ie winter doesnt get very cold and a large seaside boardwalk.  We had a leisurely coastal drive with little stress.

We have a landscape paparazzo in the passenger seat. Her name is Sarah and she is making up for lost shots that disappeared with her previous camera. So its not one but 5 shots of each nice bay or view that we see

We spent a couple of hours messing about on the beach.  We saw some teenage trainee life savers jogging in red bikinis ala baywatch (I never watched it honestly). , but mainly lots of families of all shapes and colour enjoying themselves.  
Meltdown solution provider to us. Pepperoni to those without children
No pizza pics of Sarah as she wouldn't eat when I was about to take a pic.

"You only put horrible pictures of me on the blog!"
Buying dinner
Then our airbnb house.  For sale. Originally a railway carriage but now expanded. French mother of three Claudine lives there. Her kids are grown up now but were 5 7 9 when she took them round Mexico and Cuba for six months by herself
As it was locals night 1$ per ride we went back onto the boardwalk after getting to our airbnb place
Then breakfast outside next morning
Yes its a barrel sauna

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