Tuesday 1 July 2014

Salt Creek to Ocean Beach....more

Last night kids were turbocharged running around with a new ground mat we bought. They kept it going for over an hour. Then joined 4 other kids on scooters for a go round park. Then first harry potter book before bedtime

"What is magic made of?"

Just before bed a smiley family of four moved onto the site next door and they volunteered to take pics on our phone as we all enjoyed another beautiful sunset

Before the wake up
On our way to next place. Model and pbotographer roles reversed
Empty from port angeles
Full to port angeles
Going thru a town called Forks. Fairly nondescript
It was our hottest day in north america and 4 hrs in the car. They were very good
Very few people around. Lots of forest. Reminded us of new zealand. In case its not clear we were going anticlock round olympic national park
The expectation for getting to the beach was huge. Large pack of pistachios ans bottle of water
Driftwood bridge handles
Our first Pacific facing beach
Meet George late 60's. Lived in Forks all his life. Used to be the logging capital of nw usa. In 1975 he earnt 350$ per day logging. And there were 500 logging mills. Now the daily rate if a job can be found is 120$ per day and there are only 6 mills left. Back then he could leave his saw in his pickup all night without issue of theft. Housing was in huge demand so he got a trailer as there was nowhere to live. Now major employers are hospital. Prison. State. 75% of the area is national park now so logging cannot occur.  Also protected birds and animals prevent much logging. His argument is that the conservation has been overdone. And that private landowners are not bound by state conservation laws.

1 comment:

  1. That last photo made me jump (and then laugh), do you know him?! X
