Sunday 20 July 2014

A white knuckle ride to Eureka -Sarah

We got here safe and sound yesterday after Guy and I did a 7 hour overnight drive. Doesn't seem too bad but tackling 3 hours of motorway driving then negotiating a mountain pass (Grant's Pass) with the majority of corners at 25-35mph was pretty tricky. There were constant signs of landslides and huge double wagon logging trucks thundering past in the pitch black and suddenly the drive becomes more of a survival of wits than anything else. 

Having got through the pass and seeing the blackened shapes of the mountains flatten out, I felt I could breathe a sigh of relief and perhaps relax a bit from the previous white knuckle ride. 

Then I started to see signs for 'Giant Redwoods' (trees to you and I). Little was I expecting to be driving through a 20 mile forest of trees that were as big as dinosaur feet that were so high I couldn't see the top of them. There is one tree that is so big you can drive your car straight through the middle if it. We'll be doing that tomorrow. I'm pretty glad Guy woke up to keep me company as it was a pretty frightening experience! 

After that drive Giy took over and delivered us safely to Eureka at 5 in the morning and after a couple of hours sleep we were back up setting up the tent and on for another full on day with the children. 

We went for breakfast in a little village called Samoa, which is an old logging company town. Here are some second hand shots of the monster redwood trees. 

Here are some pictures of the houses in Eureka.. I know you had some yesterday too so sorry;) but they are so beautiful..

More tomorrow! 

Much love, Sarah xx

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