Wednesday 9 July 2014

Portland - mummy free zone

 a final cuddle before setting off.  When we had dropped Sarah off at the airport, Esme cried for the ten  minutes until we could get to KFC and get the presents out of the back of the car
 then order was restored in the cool with a distraction
 then the neighbor Lauren who is about 8 came over and Esme had a further distraction whilst I watched the Brazillian defeat.  Scholari was never known for being overly tactical was he...
then at 4pm it all kicked off with outside action. Rowan was good at giving it but not so good at taking it, so I explained that "if you play with the big boys...." 
then 2 blocks  up at Laurens house she has a swing in the street.  By this time they were bored with the paddling and had all started to wear towel capes held together with clothes pegs
all was ok until the older kids wanted to play on their own and our two didn't really understand, combined with a little fragility around being excluded and tiredness and Sarah going today and just getting to a new house, they had a meltdown. So we quickly put on The Aristocats to salvage the situation.

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