Monday 21 July 2014

Humbolt Redwoods National Park

Light drizzle as we packed up from Koa Eureka. Stopped at yellow M for mountain so Sarah could cheer herself up with a coffee and the kids could play on the slides.  We have one month left and we keep trying to have perspective on it by saying that even a month like this coming up could be the holiday of a lifetime, just on its own.

Then we set off on the following

Road which is the old one running parallel to the main 101 highway. After getting a bit lost we arrived in a state park and our first real daytime tree time. Kids loved it.
5 mins later at the national park 

I could not remember which of three sites in the park we were camping at. So at the visitors centre the volunteer said "would you remember the name if I read them out?". He did. I did. He rang up. They had our booking. Off we went for ten more minutes thru the forest. Advice about bears and food was given by the unsmiling uniformed ranger as we went past the little box he sits in.

Sarah was temporarily crestfallen by the 10 metre up hill carry from car to site so she went off with scootering kids to find playmates whilst I put up the tent. Wine helped too when she came back            
it found its way in ok but then its head had to eventually come out through the in hole
This is the box we have to hide in if the bears come!
Interesting spiders web going to hole underground
This was the end of day and the rocks were warm

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