Tuesday 15 July 2014

Columbia River Gorge

Today we went to the Columbia Gorge and stopped at a few dramatic waterfalls.. Esme screamed the whole way on a .2 mile walk. Not a happy girl. 

These falls were 200 meters high. Unfortunately my camera phone doesn't really do them justice..

Then we drove alone the Old Columbia State Highway which was a much nicer 'potter' than the thundering motorway that ran alongside it. 

We found a creek at the Oneonata Gorge which was beautiful. After my initial hesitance due to jet lag and being up for 2 30hr days in a six day period I was a little reluctant. Then I decided it was worth it after much badgering from Guy and we went up the creek in my trainers. 
Beautiful.. And somewhat reminiscent of the Yarra Valley in Australia. 

Actually although we were wading up to our mid calves, the trainers worked out very well. 

We clambered over lots of logs and rocks but then I decided enough was enough and we headed back down the creek. The children had an amazing time.. 

Then we had a cup of tea at the Coulmbia River Cafe where there was a steam paddle ship and one of the most beautiful sculptures I have ever seen. 

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