Monday 14 July 2014

Sarah back in one piece

 So the  planning started on the day of Sarahs arrival with a late lie in until 8.30am for the kids, an hour extra so they would have a fighting chance of staying up  until 11pm when her plane landed. So  we laid in bed reading and playing silly face games on the phone until it was time to go and get her
 her bag was third  off, and  straightaway their gifts came out. they seemed as happy to see the gifts as Sarah
then next morning it was more of the same as they got to grips with building and arranging. Still a little fragile. I suggested to Sarah that her mission for the day could be dispensing  hugs and that's all 
so we went to firstly Grant Park and then Peninsula Park, which has an attached flowery rose garden. I trod on a bee which took its revenge. Ow. Thankfully the kids weren't there so they didn't hear me say bastard about ten times in succession. Once we had lollied out and found a shady spot the games began
 Rowan leapt, Esme stepped
 Rowan seemed genuinely taken by the Roses, "Take a picture Dad", he seemed most interested in thorns and what their  purpose was
its lovely to have Sarah back and we have a few things to talk about again. I did really miss her. It was interesting hearing all about her dad and family and the gatherings

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