Thursday 24 July 2014

SF - Alcatraz 1 of 2

Sold out for months in advance. We checked for random returns and found 2 tickets. Eureka. I have been before in 1989 when I was a security guard for the summer but for Sarah to miss out wpuld be a real shame. So we were mad cyclers again. We have to get off and push up the hills.  On the way we passed the flat on Broderick and Turk that I shared with Andy from NY. Ben and Mike recent (in 1989) Stanford graduates

We ended up at Alta Vista Park
We saw nannies and kids. Professional dog walkers. Homeless
Friends made quickly. "I like your voice" one of the kids said to Rowan
After 2hrs up and down cycle grunt and push we got to Pier 33 for the boat to Alcatraz
Solar and wind powered with a little diesel on the side
Island in the background
Amusing elderly woman gives instructions to the ferry arrivals
Operating from 1930's to 1963. It was closed because no fresh water meant it had to be shipped from mainland. Toilets flushed with seawater so it all started corroding inside and out.  Plus alcatraz made no attempt at rehabilitation and in early sixties this became more demanded by the public. 3 men ever escaped but their bodies were never found.

 then occupied on and off for 2 years in late sixties by native americans before eventually becoming a national park.
Kids loved the tour. Once they both realised it was historic with no current prisoners they relaxed into it.

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