Tuesday 22 July 2014

Out and about in San Fransisco

Our first American Air BnB experience and wow.. A beautiful house that doubles up as a nursery/kindergarden during the day and a private house at night, super amazing location and a great host! 

On 4th Avenue, just off Golden Gate Park. Mind you the park is so massive we can only just see the overgrown edges. 

But San Francisco is a city that Guy loves dearly and has been to five times so its pretty good having an encyclopaedia on hand. 

Today was a day of walking, walking walking.. We walked to the highest point in San Fransisco to get a good view, (up to Presido for those of you in the know..) then through the biggest war cemetery on the west coast, to a huge sports outlet shop (with loads of great bargains!) to check out the prices of bikes. 

We happened to stumble upon a beautiful sculpture by UKs Anthony Goldsworthy made from windfallen cypress trees.. It was 35 meters high. The children had a great time playing on the remaining fallers. 

My friend Minna advised me that bikes were the way forward and she's right! So today we have been investigating the cost of buying the bikes versus renting them. We have struck a deal with our lovely host that she will have them when we leave. So she and Guy went and bought brand new bikes tonight with helmets, locks etc. 

We had a great lunch in 'Liverpool Lil's' which was dark and seedy but with great food. I love this kind of place.. You can hardly see anything due to the red lighting and have fantastic food that you can only judge by taste.. 

And then home with sore legs for a late afternoon of playing with all the other kids and an early-to-bed.. 

More tomorrow!! 


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