Wednesday 23 July 2014

SF - Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach

After 2 hrs fixing 2 bike seats on 2 new bikes we were ready. Chuck who was working on some pipes for Elaine lent us his tools. We watched his tools in the road when he was inside. We spoke about synchronicity and helpx and workaway.  He wrote them down.

Then the park 1 block away. We soon found a playground and stopped for Sarah made wraps. All in a good mood as we enjoyed cycling freedom
Many homeless live in the park as its a nice environment. I cant pretend to know what it's like. The guy behind Sarah had a wheelchair attached to another wheeled device then attached to another. It all moved in a straight line. The year round mild climate is one reason why they are here. I am always reminded of that comment - you can judge a society by how it handles its least well off.
In 1906 quake 40000 lived tem0orarily in the park. A herd of bison live in one part. It used to be dunes until years ago a bright spark planted wind break trees to stop the westerly ocean breeze. From then on other plants could grow behind them and the green park came into being
Beach faces west to Pacific. We cycled north
Looking south
Sarahs favourite colour. "Not THAT shade" she said
"I thought you said we were going down here?"
Down Geary towards downtown
A pack of 4 soothes whines.
Even batman can struggle with a clementine obsession

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