Tuesday 15 July 2014

A beautiful day for my dad

As you all know I came home for a fleeting visit for my dads funeral last week. 

It was all organised by my sisters who did a brilliant job. 

My dad was not one for much fuss or ceremony (he told one if my sisters to just out his ashes in the bin!) so it was decided we would move away from the traditional graveside burial and do it a little differently. 

In the last few years of his life he had a few favourite pubs in Warwickshire that he liked to go to so we decided we would all have a drink in these pubs and do a small private ceremony of our own. 

It was a beautiful day.. 

And we all met at a lovely hotel in Wellesbourne

And went in a hired minibus around his locals, The Bowling Green in Southam, The Folly and The Bridge in Napton On the Hill (where I grew up) and The Swan in Kineton and then back to the hotel. A very small number of friends and family came with us. 

We had our own ceremony when my sisters and my mum and I (and close family members) spoke a few words each. We smiled and laughed about my dad and his funny ways all day and it was  a lovely day. Poignant, touching and in some places, very moving. 

It was a really special day and my dad would have loved it. He would have been proud that it had been so lovely and that he had been so loved. 

RIP Dad. Xxx


  1. warm wishes, prayers and love sent to you Sarah x

  2. Sounds like a beautiful farewell. Thoughts are with you.
