Sunday 27 July 2014

SF - Academy of Sciences

Walking through Golden Gate Park this morning past free 'swing' classes that started from 9 and ran all the way through until lunch time. The music provided a lovely soundtrack to a beautiful but blustery day.. 

Then Guy met the children and I at the Academy of Sciences - an enormous museum with an underground aquarium

And an albino alligator called Claude! (The kids and I thought he was dead until he moved!)

And a trip to the planitarium to watch a mind boggling film about how big our universe is and how we make up a little fraction of that. The children were convinced the seats were moving bit in fact it was a 360 screen (and the rest!) It was a quite incredible sensory experience. It was like sitting inthe middle of a huge dome.  Or looking into the night sky but we were inside. Or being in outer space. Or being in a car driving into the snow straight on. A few times I felt woozy as we seemed to zoom through galaxies.dark matter etc. Hard to convey how good it was

Then onto an array of beautiful coloured coral

And an absolutely massive manta ray that would easily be the size of a dinner table for four. 

The photos below were taken by the children 

Onto Sabta Cruz tomorrow.. And home suddenly seems so close.. 

Sarah xx


  1. Esme and Rowan are going to have the best "show and tell" at kindegarten ....all these experiences will make kinder boring!
    When does the travel trip end? I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog each night, and although never met you guys I love your blog - not just the terrific armchair travelling opportunities, but I love the daily things and just the little things and I adore your twins they are the best! i will miss this blog tremendously! maybe it can continue with the twins when back home (wishful thinking lol)

    - lady from Oz

  2. Hi lady from oz. Thanks again for your comments. Trip ends august 19th. Cheers guy

  3. That's only 3 weeks away!!!! You have to keep this blog going Guy after you get back and recount your daily lives of Turton family with the twins pur-lease! :-)
