Tuesday 13 May 2014

Victoria to Mechosin

We were being picked up at midday by Kerry our next host.  So a late checkout meant we could go for a walk first around a local mall looking for a socket converter. Even on a sunday morning we were amazed at how friendly staff were. Tall bloke with blonde hair and stretched ears working on cell phone stand giving us advice about our shopping and wishing us a good day. But it was everyone from security guard to shop staff.
We then stopped for ice cream where they mix in on a cold marble slab in front of you ie mix with nuts or chocolate etc

Then plenty of time to watch the world go by
Then a qyick roadside load and we were  off to Kerry and Erics. They have kids 11 9 4 1 in age. First thing we did upon arrival was wash up and tidy and change our bed sheets. With 4 kids plus our two it is full on here but plenty for us to do. Main thing is milking stony the cow

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