Thursday 22 May 2014

Taylor Beach - the truth!

The 'Sarah' version of 'Lets get off the path!' 

I was stupidly running downhill with Esme when I tripped with my big toe on an old tree root. Doesn't sound too bad I hear you say.. Well - then I looked down and after the initial scream had been deadened I realised that I had, in fact, ripped the top quarter of my toenail almost completely off. Not only that but I landed on my other leg and twisted my thigh and knee. 

As you can imagine I was not happy - especially when Guy's 'little off road jaunt' turned into another 'Picnic at Hanging Rock 2' with us following a rabbit trail instead of a riding trail and the sun blazing down in us at 3.00 in the afternoon. 

We eventually arrived at the beach and I sulked for a few minutes only to then feel the fangs of the blood sucking mosquitoes sinking into my already reddened skin. Guy meanwhile happily lazed on the beach gazing out to sea and offered no sympathy or support of any nature - I'm surprised he didn't advise me to 'reboot' as he would do at work;) 

I'll tell you what.. I was ready do something I may have regretted but held myself back at the last moment! 

Some things never change.. 

This was the amount if sympathy I got. The face says it all! 


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