Friday 30 May 2014

Seattle - we made it!

Blog app deleted. Emails and pictures tidied up. Message history deleted. Viber deleted. Clothes and hat with paint on thrown away, we were packed and ready for US customs. Even a bag or phone inspection would be ok.

Getting to the border by bus we had to take all our stuff off and walk it through. The bloke who saw us was about 40 bald surname DODD on his dark blue cotton lapel. He was a family man so concluded we were going to disney in LA. Kids didnt undetstand his links to mice and bunnies.

In the end it was uneventful apart from Sarah took the purging of material items a bit further than necessary when she decided subconciously that someone else we dont know would be better off with her camera. So she left it to fate in Vancouver greyhound station, only realizing when we got thru customs. Oh well a lot worse could have lost a passport...... she is understandably quite miffed. ( jacqui do you still have pics from her memory card on your laptop?) Whereas impt stuff for me eg phone,  cards and passports never leaves my pockets.....its a bit different for Sarah. Still...its her birthday on june 6th.

We got to City Hostel Seattle and it seemed half the greyhound were also coming here. Then out to Ambers restaurant for food. Happy hour. Waitress born here unto thai parents. Just got her first passport. Nervous about going. Wanted travel buddy. We told her about the 'travel buddy wanted' part of the sites we are using.
Kids were practicing their moves in Ambers. As the music was loud they could be loud. After Sarah came back with the kids and I ran to 5th & Pine to research sim cards. 

On my way back I saw & heard out of the corner of my ears some loudspeaker talking and went to investigate. It was an open mike session for anyone but predominantly women. I wasnt really sure to talk about what. (But the young woman talking was in tears) so a bit of listening later...and reading the placards...but it seemed to talk about unfortunate events  ( that they happened rather than a detailed description) that had happened to them including rape, abuse, bottom slapping, inappropriate comments, requests to come to someones house to be a naked model ( a woman working as receptionist in a medical massage place). Patriarchy and men in general were the perpetrators in all cases. 
Men are responsible allegedly for capitalism. Patriarchy creates an unacceptable environment for women and it should not be tolerated.  It was moving, suprising, a little one sided. Several things I take for granted eg not getting hassled or pushed around were not the same for these women.

"Not okay!"  Was often shouted out

So I listened. Played off the interest of what I was listening to with how long I was going to take to get home with Sarah on her own.

I wanted to say "the perpetrators are also the victims" but thought better of it. Thought of a presentation on 3 types of men I did during my counselling training. But I dont like speaking in public.

So I left. Ran home. Researched Groves vs Froch for tommorrow. Let myself into the room. Sarah was putting kids to sleep so had to leave again. Now i have blogged I will go back up. Bye

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