Tuesday 6 May 2014

Guys take on Banff day2

The weather started very well. Then this happened (below)
Look carefully
I was busy skiing so didnt see the aftermath.
Below was the view from the top

I stopped and was in awe. Thought about creation. The big picture. The beauty. The silence punctuated by occasional snowy crunches. The chill on my face. The visible breath....The Rockies wow....this is why people talk about them. The blueness of the sky........the little things seem to fall away in the face of the scale and height of what I could see. 

Kids were in two days of playgroup with 2 hrs per day of ski tuition
This lady made snowballs.  Gave them to the non skiing child. When hit by childs throw she would fall to the floor in a mock reaction to the snowball... thus keeping the child entertained when it wasnt skiing. Talk about dedication beyond job description
"Make a pizza shape Rowan"..their patience and consistency with the kids was high
Then onto the magic carpet to get in position again. Final run is fun on the coloured block as they sit on top
Meanwhile sarah is on her own magic carpet with teacher Kenji.
Oh yes and below is for cancer research

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