Monday 12 May 2014

Day in Victoria 2 of 2

After another couple of interesting scenes inbthe museum we headed to a park in mild rain. Sarah was giving me a look that said

"it'd better be worth it buster!"

So I walked fast to get somewhere before she had a chance to protest. The kids enthusiasm on their scooters also helped

The park was trip advisor number three. So it had to be ok right? We started to hear some noise like a band and rounded a hedge to find a mustering point for an anti oil pipeline protest. Alternating between performers and explanations of the chanting to be done, the route etc we smiled at each other as if to say 'yes it was worth it'
Unprompted the kifs said they wanted to carry a sign for a bit
Until we found a second they were fighting over one. We tried to explain oil pipeline but they didnt really get it
The singing was moving in places. Performers were youngish.  More than a few grey hair ed protestors. Forgot about rain for a mo. 
We left before the rally started.  Beautiful streets and houses
Then ecuadorian food from a stall at a local community fete. Rowan demolished a salmon burger.
Built 15 yrs ago.  Not broken into. Made of earth
All is not as it first appears
Now walking along the inner harbour
Ferry to Seattle. Along here we saw some busking and some locals arguing fiercely about who bought the last six pack as one was sure and the other could not remember
Base Drummer/xylophone busker
Moving sculpture of seaman welcoming his daughter after being away.
We then went to Red fish Blue fish on the keyside where fish and chips is cooked to order in a shipping container. Halibut delicious white meat.
Such a lovely day that just evolved befote our eyes. Locals sooooo friendly

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