Thursday 29 May 2014

Vancouver - Granville Island

A former industrial area, now a foodie market indoors. Seems to be primarily catering to tourists. Only ten mins from us by walk and boat

Fudge or boiled sweets
Tea loose leaf
Smoked atlantic salmon. I think scottish is nicer
Scones for breakfast


  1. Such a pleasure meeting you and your family, thanks for the visit and hope your pirate ship was in!

  2. At the end of each day, every evening as I sit down in my study and sip my cuppa before bedtime, I log onto the computer to see what the Turton family adventures have been of the day. This has become my habit as I love your daily updates of your daily activities. Your young family inspire me to go want to one day travel the world too - and want to have twins too! But its just not the travel, its the little things that happen too that I have come to love your blog. I remember when three of you were on that big slide and Esme and Rowan were trying to pull Sarah down it, but kept slipping down themselves. What giggles I had as I sipped my suppa cuppa. And the lovely video of when Esme came out of a doorway and declared "im going to race to the sofa" in that strong English accent (adorable!). This has been the best blog and in fact the only one that I now check out each night. It is so down to earth and you bring those armchair travelers with you. Loved reading both Guys and Sarah's seperate take on the same days activities afew days back (the day Sarah's toenail was taken off). I will actually really miss this blog when your trip around the world ends. - a lady from "Down Under"
