Sunday 25 May 2014

Langford - Monster trucks 2 of 2

Then it was monster truck time. 3 came out as the four car wrecks were assembled for them to drive over
This hump was also used
The circuit is in a disused quarry
It didnt always go according to plan. Apparently part of the engine ended up on the road. This truck had to stop. They righted it and the driver waved from the top to big applause
Did he or didnt he?

Then the last thing we saw was more of the "capital city drifting" ie the pirouetting in front of us to make smoke but this time they really went for it. A mazda mx5 inched towards the wall and stopped moving because of the wall.  Its (rear wheels I think) were going round making so much tyre smoke we could not see the car for some of the time. How the driver could breathe was a mystery to me. When it cleared for moments the driver stuck his head and body  out the sunroof and wbipped up the applause. He must have wedged the accelorator I think. This continued for a minute or so until the tyre shredded throwing bits everywhere to more applause.

Overall a bit of immersion in local culture

Ps the truck above didnt

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