Wednesday 14 May 2014

Metchosin at our host

Translates as (land of stinking fish). Kerry had last week skinned and butchered a deer. She had then laid the skin out in the air to dry on top of a tarp. But it had got wet.....and then been left for a week.

So it now presented a smelly maggot infested cumbersome problem. Wearing surgical blue gloves (kerry is a nurse) we managed to get it into a couple of bin liners and then into the back of the ute or pick up. Off to the dump. Weigh on way in. Dump load.  Weigh on way out. Pay according to the weight loss. 

I was there to do the lifting as Kerry currently cannot. Luckily the attendant bloke was far enough away to not query the smell of what we were dumping. Then off to CostCo. 

Amazingly on almost every isle there were free samples attended by someone. Quite enough to be all together a snack. As I grabbed a chewy apple flavour sweet and spoke to the bloke he asked where I was from. I replied. He then said he came over in 1957 from Kent and seemed to become more English as we spoke.  When we went to pay there was loading the belt help, the cashier and packing help. Another supermarket later we then got to the greengrocer where we negotiated the price of basil. I made sure I said the word 'piddly' loud enough to get his attention. Again amazed at the courtious attentive nature of people.
Meanwhile kids are working their way through the toys

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