Tuesday 27 May 2014

Vancouver - around Stanley Park

North west of 'downtown' Vancouver is Stanley Park. A peninsular of greenery. Surrounded by 10km of concrete walkway and subdivided blade/cycle way just above the beach.

This was our (my) aim for today ie to walk cum scooter around it. (Only telling Sarah the distance once we were over half way). Being careful not to pack too many layers...once we got down Davie St to the seafront I realised I had over estimated the temperature and the wind was blowing. Kids even with their second layer were still cold. 10km wasnt going to happen at this rate. So we gave them each our own second layer. This got more than a few comments as we walked against the wheeled flow (it was one way for blades and bikes)

So we kept them interested by stopping at playgrounds. Feeding fruit. Stopping at beaches playing dont step on the hot lava (sand). Getting them to chase us. Pulling them along on scooters. Hot chocolates
But the adults started getting cold if we hung around too long
We were over half way here. The wind ceased. Sun and shelter.the mood changed back to normal

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