Saturday 17 May 2014

Luxton Pro Rodeo 1 of 2

38th annual

Smalltown rodeo and fairground
Small donation for parking. Proceeds to local football team who were directing the cars. 11£ per adult children free with adult. No long lense cameras allowed. Otherwise everybody friendly during entrance with time to pass the day.

We took our place in stands with half an hour to spare. Sarah took kids off to the rides before coming back for the start complete with flavoured ice crush in a cone.
One cowboy lasoos then brings animal down then ties one front and one back leg together then animal must stay down for six seconds. 2 out of 8 missed altogether
3 above are trying to ride horse WITH saddle. Horse gets mad because they tie a rope around it just in front of hind legs and it bucks to try and stop this
Above 2 are fails ie cowboys dive missed the animal
3 above are a success but the wrestling to the ground was difficult for him
Now they take the saddle away to make it harder. After a few secs a buzzer goes and a ridden horse comes alongside and the cowboy jumps over
Then it was the turn of other kids some as young as three. To ride a sheep with a catchy title as you can see. Most rides took 2 seconds or less

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