Friday 9 May 2014

Banff to Salmon Arm & lentils

In contrast to the atrocious conditions on the way to Banff (cloud obscured all landscapes), on the way back to Randy and Debbies in Salmon Arm the weather was beautiful and our mood a lot better following the joy of fresh air and skiing

A sedate 60mph speedlimit with little traffic gave plenty of time for reflection. I am still not sure why my energy levels and enthusiasm plummeted so spectacularly since coming to Canada for the two weeks until we got to Banff.....perhaps you spotted that the blog was briefer during this time...more pics less writing...I just couldnt be bothered with it or with emailing anyone... (sorry Webbercrew)

it cant have been our hosts in the negative...
it could have been them in the the sense that I realised subconciously I could relax around them so my body gave up..

ok there was the jetlag from NZ
Getting ill on the flight
Less sun in Canada cf NZ
running every other day for 2 weeks before coming to canada made me weaker..?
back siezing up
But this doesnt explain it

I was in the  shadow, lost touch with God/other/great mystery/numinous..or was in a natural down cycle...still making sense of it

We were to have 2 nights at Randy and Debbies so agreed to do a meal.
So for 4 adults how many grammes of lentils would you cook?
A) 100g 
B) 400g
c) 800g
D) 1600g ie 1.6kg.....

Bearing in mind that they expand during cooking....

Well....I was packing and Sarah was doing the measuring
Is it a mistake that the picture of empty packets is there twice......unfortunately not...1.6kg were cooked by Sarah

she has just interrupted me to say that they were  'cooked with love' and that is all that matters.....

Cooked Lentils became the gift that just kept on giving....

After Sarah had finished making  the salad....we then began to consider options. we still had a huge amount

"I am sure we can freeze them" etc

Well ....I hate food waste and cant eat that we decided to make a vegetarian pie....
Or 2
Or 3
Or 4
Waiting for the potato mash at this point....
3/4 lentils & 1/4 mash

And we still had not finished using all the cooked ones.   In the end we did freeze some and at least Randy and Debbie have a physical reminder of us...

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