Thursday 15 May 2014

Metchosin - milking the cows

-Fill up 2 buckets of water.  One hot with soap  one hot without. A third hot with handsoap and torn towels.
- Place in trolley.
-take trolley to paddock open gate
-carry buckets to milking pen
-attach lid of urn to urn (tubes already attached)
-pick up 4 pump spider looking device and rest in soapy bucket
-turn on generator watch soap fly thru tubes
-turn off generator & empty soapy urn
-repeat with clean water
-get cow in
-wipe teats with soapy torn rag to get mud off , checking ends and doing test manual squirt to ensure not blocked
-dangle each teat in iodine bath device
-wipe teats clean with paper towel
-get spider device with 4 suckers and turn on generator
-try to get 4 suckers on and release valve to start sucking ( a three handed job making sure that if a sucker falls off it doesnt fall onto the dirty floor)
-hardest bit is now done
-keep out of way of swishing tail (eric has had 3 eye infections)
-watch milk going down clear tube and hope cow keeps on eating so is otherwise interested
-when milk stops then release valve, remove suckers and turn off generator
-take top off urn and return to house with milk
-filter milk looking for clots or signs of grit or any other thing that indicates it must bw dumped
-decant to jars with date on and name of family who pick up milk. Put in fridge
-return urn to milking pen and repeat clean with soapy and non soapy water
-close pen and return with buckets to house
Time 1 to 1.5 hrs

With Tobi the other helper from Germany
Has to be done twice a day. Makes 6 litres of warm milk

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