Saturday 10 May 2014

Salmon Arm to Vancouver Island

Getting up at 4.20am for a 5.30am greyhound bus, kids had cheerios breakfast.  Hugged goodbye to Debbie. Randy dropped us off in the dark. A goods train trundled past with 164 towing wagons on it. Returning to Sarah and the kids and our bags I realised the car seats were still in Randys car. Quick phone call later he was back before the bus that was mercifully late. But the first thing we got out of the car was Sarahs camera! Then the seats.
After an hour we changed buses and had a pick of the seats. The small lady driver was incredibly polite and helpful advising us of best food places etc.
Kids were incredibly good even if they were the noisiest among dozing adults.  We arrived at Vancouver for another bus change to then get to the Tswassen ferry terminal that would take us to the state capital Victoria on Vancouver Island

90 mins on the ferry and we go back onnthe bus
View from our window
We give a few pennies to buskers as the kids like dropping in the coins. Last night we got in return some skin transfers which went down well whilst waiting for food


  1. Great to see you're on Vancouver Island! Loved the place but didn't make it to Victoria. You heading to Toffino? Happy birthday for last week Old Chap.

  2. Thanks Lee for the wishes
