Thursday 22 May 2014

Metchosin-Taylor beach

Off we set with scooters. All downhill on the way from Kerrys to the beach. Sarah had done the trip before in the car so we were in her directional hands as we walked. Past red stop signs and localised 'children playing' signs put out by concerned parents.

"Its along here on the right" (as we walked along a main road)

"But what about this Regional Park? Hang on I will ask (this cyclist)"

"Yeah its about a km thru the park" 

So we turn off the road and start walking
Cool shady dirt paths up and down in a bit of woodland. Its a lovely day and great to be just 4 of us again. Suddenly behind me Sarah is clutching her thigh and standing normally on one foot and on tip toe on the other....she looks a little odd with a grimace too. I am not sure what to make of it.  

"Whats wrong?"

"I've stubbed my toe! And strained my leg muscle"

I look at her flip flop footwear and wonderwhat to say next. She continues...

"I wont be able to run. Look at my toenail!"

I am reminded of when I proposed to Sarah and we first walked around fields, me in my walking boots and her in her fasion trainers with slippy soles. I remember the mental note I made at that time 8 years ago to "check Sarahs footwear before going on walks"...Realising I have today forgotten to follow my own advice...

"I just want some sympathy!"

(I had forgotten)

So the rest of the walk is a slow paced meander with Sarah asking me to slow down but its still a lovely day
The children didnt get tired. 
Then we found a bridlepath back and sang "gamble gold and robin hood" on the way back.
Ps have just read this to Sarah and she said her injuries have not been adequately covered.  She lost a quarter of a toenail

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