Monday 11 August 2014

Zion National Park

(Post created earlier but published out of synch)

After much persuading from Guy to go on a walk/hike on my own, I finally bit the bullet. 

He kindly and lovingly packed me a bag with enough rice cakes to feed an army, oranges, sunscreen and gallons of water. I could hardly lift it! I was then pointed in the general direction of Zion National Park and told to go. 

Within minutes of being in the car on my own the scenery was blowing my mind. Truly massive canyons and rocky hillsides everywhere I looked, in an amazing array of colours and shapes ranging from white to pink to yellow to purple and then bright red.. As red as Ayers Rock. 

I parked and made my way to the shuttle bus with no map and no sense of direction. After many many escapades as a child being lost in the woods whilst orienteering with a parent who also had no sense of direction, you can imagine my trepidation. 

I spoke to a kindly looking bus driver and explained I wanted to do a walk with beautiful views, no too demanding and I wanted to be home before it was dark.  He told me to get off at The Grotto and that I should try 'Angels Landing'. 

Fine, I thought. As I walked towards the trail, my feelings of trepidation increased as I read the posters and they said 'Do not attempt this hike if you have a fear if heights or are unstable in any way.. 6 people have lost their lives in the last two years!!' Right! I thought! There is no way I'm going all the way!

But as I climbed and climbed and my calf muscles became sorer and sorer.. The views became more and more amazing.. 

It was quite difficult to get any sense of height or perspective but you get the gist.. 

I don't take many on the way up but took a few on the way down.. 

I made it all the way to 'Scouts Point' and made my way towards Angels Landing but when three younger and rather good looking guys turned around in fear after attempting the carved footsteps and the chain link fence that you had to pull yourself up on, I decided that it was enough for me too. I didn't have anything to prove and it was more important to get home to the children and Guy before darkness fell. 

I honestly felt humbled by Mother Nature.  I will look back on this walk and I am sure it will be one of my 'quiet time' highlights.. 

Much love S xx


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