Wednesday 27 August 2014

Blog anxiety

I'm suffering from bloggers anxiety but haven't find much today; travelled around the 9 charity shops in Headington looking for some little toys for the children, and I saw a top quality winter coat for £35 - usually priced at £290. 

Then in the off chance I drove to the children's new school and amazingly met their new teacher, Miss Arnold, who seemed very nice and the type of teacher that I wish I'd had at my first school! The children were quiet and shy but I discovered that they won't be needing uniforms at all.. So that will be a trip to the shop to return them. The school does a lot of outside play when the weather permits do all they actually need is good wellies and warm coats with mittens and hats for the winter. 

This evening we had a meeting with William; who has offered his homestay business to us (as a gift) to discuss if it could be a go-er. Mmmm.. Lots to think about! 

Goodnight for now! 


1 comment:

  1. Sounds intriguing. Whilst I know what homestay is (people stay for free in return for work) ...what is a homestay business?
    Goodnight Sarah!
    - Lady from Oz
