Sunday 17 August 2014

Detroit - Heidleberg Project

In a not so well off part of town we took our conspicuous californian license plate hire car to see this project

All these wide open spaces used to be with houses on them. The rate of loss via demolition or burning is indicated when there is more green than housing
Either someone doesnt like this or they have been unlucky as 2 or 3 houses have been razed by fire that were part of the project
Esme needed a wee so I took her to a quiet spot. Then we saw 4 local youths crammed onto a seat so wwnt to say hello. 2 girls on the ends two boys in the middle they were about 12 ro 15. One of them kept repeating me. I realised he was mimicking the new accent that he found amusing.  So I hammed it up with a 'lovely jubbly" and an "orroigjt mate?"
Then it was back to the car. 

The fascinating buildings are everywhere

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