Monday 25 August 2014

Our helpers have arrived!

They have been up since 3am and are super tired! They got to our house, had some lunch and promptly fell asleep! 

Esme and Rowan are still pretty tired too so snuggling up in the sofa was just what they needed;) 

Guy is preparing the wood but was pretty disappointed to find the wheel barrow had a flat tyre and a new wheel won't arrive before Friday. He will try and borrow a barrow from someone on our road in the morning. 

This is our wild and overgrown garden.. Lots of rain early and sun later in the summer led to supersize plants. This has been pruned! 

And Esme and Rowan in the kitchen thoroughly enjoying 'horses' with Toby.


1 comment:

  1. that looks like a good sized garden - and you have a glass house!
