Friday 22 August 2014

Hitting the ground..

We're still all really tired and Esme was awake four times in the night asking me about how to find faries at the bottom of the garden. I woke up to find Guy had already gone to get the car MOT'ed - which I am delighted to say almost passed.. Only £7 if expenditure.. So luckily we didn't have to buy a new car after it had been standing for a year on a neighbours drive. 

I must admit it feels really wierd to be doing 'normal' things again, and not worrying about repackaging my bag all the time. The list of things to do is endless and everything is still in the garage - and remains remarkably unscathed by mice or rats. 

It's so lovely to see people, to talk to our neighbours, to feel we 'fit' in a funny way.. And so great to be home. I keep looking out if the window in awe. The garden is completely wild but the trees are laden to almost falling down fullness of apples, plums and more apples and the blackberries are bursting from the bushes. 

After raising us from our deep slumber at 9am, a great friend of ours bought is coffee snd croissants.. so nice! And then had a lovely breakfast with us. 

Rowan and Esme were initially shy with their little friend Marcos but within half an hour I was told that I wasn't allowed in the room as the children 'were all discussing something they didn't want me to know about'. Fine! I think. A few minutes later there were little knocks on the door.. 'Can you let is out mum? We've locked ourselves in;)'

We went to the park and then to meet more lovely friends for a cup of tea but Rowan was so tired he tried to go to sleep in the cafe. He quickly recovered when he started eating the sugar lumps;) 

Then home again to play with their toys. Esme told me on more than one occasion how delighted she is to be home.. 

And them to the boring rigmoral of letter opening and form filling in and trying to get the children's school uniform organised (can't believe they're starting school in 2 weeks!!).. And to the applying of a job for me.. It's really hard as a woman to have to keep re-inventing myself but to be honest I think I may go a bit mad if I stay at home - and I find it pretty lonely on my own. So I'm pleased to be applying for a job. 

And tomorrow and the next day.. More visitors both days.. Should be fantastic but I'd better get baking lots of my lovely lemon cake! 

I'm not sure how interesting this on-going blog will be for you few readers.. Do let me know (if there are any if you left - apart from the lovely lady in Australia!) 
Must go to bed now but will take pics tomorrow! Promise! 

Sarah x


  1. Would love to see pics ..of your 'wild' garden and around the place. Best of luck with job apps.

  2. Yes, second that. Love reading your views on life. And yes, pictures please.

  3. Sara I read your blog almost every day. And I would really miss it if you stop writing. It must be really strange to be home... I hope that once you get bored with Oxford we would meet for a coffee. Anna
