Friday 8 August 2014

LV - Tournament of Kings

It felt quite extravagant but it was in the basement of our hotel and had rave reviews as the best kid friendly 'show' to do in town. No pics allowed. Mini chicken and potatoes served without cutlery on hot metal old fashioned plates. Sitting in banked rows 5 high we were close and would have a great view of the action. Earth bottomed arena with the audience divided up into sections by country. We were in Ireland.  Russia. Spain. Norway. France and representing evil was a section called Dragon.  Each country had a dashing prince on horseback in appropriate colours. Dragon was all black

Someone dressed like Dumbledore did the intro from his high position to our right in the castle ended section which housed a portcullis where everyone came in and out of. It was air conned cool. Bright lights. Felt like it was going to be exciting. Quite a feat of engineering just to create the arena in the base of a hotel in the middle of the desert. Lets not talk about the carbon footprint.

"My lords ladies and gentleman. Photography and phones are strictly not allowed as they have not been invented yet" (queens clear English)

"This is not a place for quiet. This is a place to be rowdy" ...everyone cheers.

Each knight then rides out and does a couple of circles as he lip syncs to the speech before stopping by his section of the crowd to work the applause.  All the Knights have long hair and look very handsome. I think France was the best looking. I imagine that ours had an Irish accent.  It got me reflecting what would happen if one became bald. Would he lose his job?

Photography was not permitted so I had to be organised. Phone lock feature changed from 5 sec s to 30 mins so as to minimise give away screen light time. Glasses case open double to cover screen. If I reached in with my finger and guessed the screen spot then I could take some. 6 photos and a bit of video later I got a warning from the waiter and thought I better stop

The king on his round table talking to his knights before the table went into ceiling. There  was plenty of fighting with titanium tipped swords to create sparks. Horses charging in races. Hooking a circle. Then jousting with balsa wood easy shatter stick. All very energetic and well choreographed over 90+minutes. The kids were transfixed. Sitting up straight total focus. Some fireworks and bangs made us jump and flames warmed the air. There were also princesses immaculately turned out. At the end after he'd been killed  our knight came over and spoke with a soft American accent. He was really gentle and friendly. They have one year rolling contracts and work 6 eves a week (2 shows a night)

Overall amazing event.

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