Tuesday 26 August 2014

Catching up

We are still inundated with visitors! Today we had: my mum, Charlotte, Toby and Sheena and one of Guy's childhood friend with his two children. 

Esme and Rowan were allowed to watch cartoons on Sheena's iPad - which is one of the most amazing gifts our children can receive. ( in their eyes not mine. Guy)

On our trip we have managed with a smart phone each and that has been it. The children were allowed one phone game each to play but time was strictly limited. Guy bought an unlocked phone in Thailand and having the Internet saved us on numerous occasions. We have not got an iPad, nor do we want one. 

It's difficult as we both feel that a computer has a place in a home but shouldn't have a place in a four and half year old child's mind.  The time will come when they will have to use computers but it seems such a shame (and totally unnecessary) to get them used to them too early. 

In the afternoon we drove to a really pretty village called Hook Norton, in the heart of the Cotswolds

To see Alexandra and their two favourite cousins.. 

Much fun was had with promises of many more to come! Esme and Rowan confidentially told them that we are never ever going away again;) (and to be honest I'd second that!) 

Livvie gave Esme (and Rowan) her whole Syvlvanian collection of toys/animals etc.. It's still like Christmas here!! Here you can see them playing with the tree house. I'd like to think Guy could build one of those in the back garden for them!! 


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