Friday 1 August 2014

Santa Barbara to Tucson

We all slept relatively well on the deck in Santa Barbara last night and woke up to a beautiful clear sky this morning. Esme and Rowan spent a lovely hour with Fitz the 1 year old, with Rowan patiently and lovingly reading a book to him (huh?! When did that happen?!)

So then the driving began..A drive of some nine hours.. on a good day with a strongtail wind.. 12 hours later after food and drink and children stops we are very nearly there.

It is so hot here - stay out of central california in August!! Im pretty sure that we could fry an egg on the road and probably cook just about everything else from either the heat inside this little car of ours or from the heat outside! We drove through Phoenix at 7pm tonight and it was 92f outside. Felt like about 92c!

But the drive has been pleasant; hours and hours if white sand desert; interspersed with various bits of vegetation and mountainous areas. To have left the car for any more than five minutes would have been foolish.

I'm sure that those of you that live in hot countries deal with this sort of heat all the time but to us it was a bit of a shock:)

584 miles

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