Thursday 14 August 2014

Davenport - Michigan City via Gary

We're still putting in the miles.. Today we drove for about 220 miles - only 209 left until we reach Detroit! The milometer reached 5000 miles today too.. That's 5000 miles since we bought this little car in Seattle.. Seems like ages ago! 

We did a little detour to see Gary, the little town where Michael Jackson was born and initially raised (one of my absolute heroes..) 

The town was depressed and broken after being built in 1905 to supply homes for a growing steel industry. 100 years later the industry has died and many of the houses are abandoned and streets are pot-holed with grass growing through the cracks. 

Driving around was a little worrying as we had read lots of negative things on trip advisor - none of them true! 

Micheal Jackson's house was a pristine 2 bedroom house, although it would have been a real squeeze with 9 children living there. It's an amazing thing that he achieved when you think of the really humble beginnings he came from. 

Then onto Michigan City where we are spending the night. This too seems to be a quite depressed and sprawling town. At least it's sunny! 


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