Thursday 21 August 2014


We all finally got home yesterday morning after a great flight home. The children were very excited to be playing as many games and watching as many films as humanly possible on the plane and they finally conked out two hours before we landed. 

Then they were so exhausted that I couldn't wake them up and Rowan had to be carried all the way to the bus as he couldn't wake up enough to walk! 

A quick trip on the bus bought us back to Oxford and back to our lovely home and found the children happily playing with their toys and delightedly riding up and down the driveway on their much missed bikes.

We met a couple of our neighbours whilst walking home  pleased to see us. 

Unfortunately we couldn't really stop to talk to them as we were carrying heavy heavy rucksacks and super tired children! A quick explore and reconnection with the house left us all feeling it had been well looked after in our absence and lost toys were found.. 

Saddles were duly raised and every time someone came over the visit Rowan whispered to me 'Can you tell them I want to show then that I can ride my bike?' So sweet.. 

My sister Charlotte came over for a quick cup of tea and had dinner with us and Toby joined us. There were squeals of delight when the children answered the door and lots of hugs for both Charlotte and Toby.. And within minutes Toby was on all fours being attacked by two very happy kids! 

Toby noticed the children have picked up mild American accents which he found very amusing! 

After finally getting the children to bed (well, Esme!), I discovered what the problem was with Rowan. 

I had put him into bed and read him a story and continued to unpack for a few minutes while they settled down. When going back into check on them about ten minutes later so noticed Rowan wasn't in his bed. He came into me pretty crossly a few minutes later. 

'Mum. I'm sleeping in the floor next to Esme and I've found a towel up cover myself in. I am NOT sleeping in a pink bed with Peppa Pig on my duvet!!' (I haven't been able to find his Buzz Lightyear cover.) I had to search around for a different duvet cover to even get him back into bed!! 

It's great to be home and see a few of our things around us. (Lots to unpack!) but what is better is the feeling that I don't have to unpack and repack my bag again every three days or worry about mozzies or where we are going to stay tonight.

In not sure I ever want to leave again!! 

Sarah xx 

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