Wednesday 20 August 2014

At the airport

Here we are again. We were at the airport in Detroit yesterday after the car was stolen.. 

Hold on.. Rewind.. You might not know the car was stolen! 

Ok yesterday morning we got up to find the car was gone from outside the house and all that remained was a shattered window pane on the road. 

Luckily we had emptied the car of all our stuff the night before and we had fully comprehensive insurance so it didn't matter too much. A replacement car was found and we got to the airport in good time for our flight. 

Then we boarded our plane to hear an announcement from our pilot to tell us that we were in hold for half an hour due to stormy skies over Chicago. We waited.. And waited.. And then the pilot told us - scrap that.. We're going back to the gate. 

We waited some more. Then our flight was cancelled. This meant we missed our flight to London. Now Singapore airlines are saying we didn't turn up for the flight because as the passenger if us your responsibility to get to the airport. Huh???

Bummer. We stayed in Detroit last night in a hotel and we're hoping to get home sometime soon!! 

Living with hope in our hearts;) 

Sarah xx

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