Sunday 24 August 2014

A long walk

Yesterday was a day of peace and relaxation - until Guy suggested a three mile walk down the back lanes into Oxford! 

The walk is through the park behind our house, on the back lanes and alleyways for a further mile, and then through some beautiful water meadows into the centre of Oxford.  It usually takes about two hours and this was the first time we had walked it without the children being in their old buggy. (Guy did suggest taking the buggy but it was met with an absolute no - end of discussion - from me.) The children went in on their bikes (including Rowan) and we had a great chat with our friend Andrew (who bought his two lovely children with him). Esme isn't so confident on her bike yet so she stuck to her scooter. 

We are still really enjoying being home and doing that beautiful walk bought home to us how incredibly lucky we have been to have had such a successful trip and then coming bank to such a lovely city that we call home. The children are really enjoying discovering old places and  faces again and it's pretty amazing to hear how their brains work - Esme saw a little girl she used to play with and she said 'I know that girl don't I mummy? What's her name again? - I don't remember!' A quick reminder if the name and she's all smiles again! 

The weather seems almost autumnal already and with our thin blood we're all feeling the cold and we haven't had enough time to find any other jumpers from the garage.

The walk was pretty tiring and we had just finished lunch when the heavens opened and it started raining cats and dogs for the rest of the afternoon. Andrew and I caught the bus home with the littlest kids and Guy cycled back with the older ones then we all collapsed and rounded the evening off with a few games of chase the ace and then bed. 


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