Saturday 2 August 2014

Tucson - taking it easy

Eventually we arrived at 10.30pm after getting lost a few metres from 222 north Martin street Tuscon. After waking the kids up and finding 8 year old Nates lego stash, then realising Scooby the dog was going to be ok with them we chatted till midnight with Mike and his wife Annette before collapsing into restful sleep. 

Next morning Oomph. Rowan lands on me to wake up. He starts pointing at Nates top shelf of toys. Its 6.20am. No you cant not now. Eventually he goes back to sleep. 

Then later its pancakes for breakfast and I take the car to get fixed. Yesterday we stopped and the radiator overflow was boiling whilst stationery because the fan didnt work.

I lived with Mike in San Francisco in 1989 when I was a security guard for the summer. He works now for Arizona State University. Last time we met was Athens GA in 1992.
Bicycle spare bits
Mexican of course. We are 30 miles from the border
Ten minute wait for train to come thru
Thrift shop purchase just to take apart
Getting on well

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