Sunday 31 August 2014

A beautiful summers day

Had our great friends John and Cristina over for breakfast this morning at 9th and we cooked pancakes and bacon and eggs which was really good fun.

Then off to a lovely pub where Guy and I held our wedding reception for a lunch - and another local fayre with face painting and a free 'bring a dish' marquee. We were told that these types of things have sprung up everywhere since we left but it was a lovely day so it was very successful!

Then I went on a run through the park next door to our house and couldn't resist taking some photos for you to see..

Saturday 30 August 2014

A country fayre

Well, actually it was called 'Bunkfest' and it was good fun.. lots of folk dancing and people dressed up in wierd costumes! (For the Un - initiated amongst you, these are Morris dancers! )

This lady made her own costume out of an old lab coat. . It took her ages and we were trying to work out if each troupe put an advert up in the local shop trying to recruit a 'yellow' or 'green' dancer!

We were in a beautiful little village with beautiful views..

And it was great to catch up with lots of our lovely old friends too!


My first night out

..since arriving home!

Sorry about the lack of blog last night but I was busy living it up at the local pub!

It was good fun although I was tucked up in bed by 11!!

Thursday 28 August 2014

A lovely day at Blenheim Palace

Met some old friends again today at the beautiful Blenhiem Palace, birthplace of Winston Churchill. It is a sandstone palace with incredible grounds designed by Sir Christopher Wren.. Here's a link do you can get an idea:

Anyway, it was great. 

Esme and Rowan thoroughly enjoyed themselves! 

You can see it's freezing here already! 


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Blog anxiety

I'm suffering from bloggers anxiety but haven't find much today; travelled around the 9 charity shops in Headington looking for some little toys for the children, and I saw a top quality winter coat for £35 - usually priced at £290. 

Then in the off chance I drove to the children's new school and amazingly met their new teacher, Miss Arnold, who seemed very nice and the type of teacher that I wish I'd had at my first school! The children were quiet and shy but I discovered that they won't be needing uniforms at all.. So that will be a trip to the shop to return them. The school does a lot of outside play when the weather permits do all they actually need is good wellies and warm coats with mittens and hats for the winter. 

This evening we had a meeting with William; who has offered his homestay business to us (as a gift) to discuss if it could be a go-er. Mmmm.. Lots to think about! 

Goodnight for now! 


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Catching up

We are still inundated with visitors! Today we had: my mum, Charlotte, Toby and Sheena and one of Guy's childhood friend with his two children. 

Esme and Rowan were allowed to watch cartoons on Sheena's iPad - which is one of the most amazing gifts our children can receive. ( in their eyes not mine. Guy)

On our trip we have managed with a smart phone each and that has been it. The children were allowed one phone game each to play but time was strictly limited. Guy bought an unlocked phone in Thailand and having the Internet saved us on numerous occasions. We have not got an iPad, nor do we want one. 

It's difficult as we both feel that a computer has a place in a home but shouldn't have a place in a four and half year old child's mind.  The time will come when they will have to use computers but it seems such a shame (and totally unnecessary) to get them used to them too early. 

In the afternoon we drove to a really pretty village called Hook Norton, in the heart of the Cotswolds

To see Alexandra and their two favourite cousins.. 

Much fun was had with promises of many more to come! Esme and Rowan confidentially told them that we are never ever going away again;) (and to be honest I'd second that!) 

Livvie gave Esme (and Rowan) her whole Syvlvanian collection of toys/animals etc.. It's still like Christmas here!! Here you can see them playing with the tree house. I'd like to think Guy could build one of those in the back garden for them!! 


Monday 25 August 2014

Our helpers have arrived!

They have been up since 3am and are super tired! They got to our house, had some lunch and promptly fell asleep! 

Esme and Rowan are still pretty tired too so snuggling up in the sofa was just what they needed;) 

Guy is preparing the wood but was pretty disappointed to find the wheel barrow had a flat tyre and a new wheel won't arrive before Friday. He will try and borrow a barrow from someone on our road in the morning. 

This is our wild and overgrown garden.. Lots of rain early and sun later in the summer led to supersize plants. This has been pruned! 

And Esme and Rowan in the kitchen thoroughly enjoying 'horses' with Toby.


Sunday 24 August 2014

It's the little things..

Today we had ten visitors coming as well as Andrew and his two children who stayed over from last night so we did some baking this morning and made some cherry bakewells and then some lavender biscuits.. And yes, the kitchen looked as if an atomic bomb had gone off afterwards! The cooking was a huge success and will have to be repeated again tomorrow as there is nothing left! 

The children were up early and very excited that Sophie and Marcus were still here so before long the house was full of fun and laughter but my blood did start to boil when they all started practicing their screams in the kitchen. They all went up to the tennis courts in the park and I calmed down again;) 

Andrew and the children left with many promises to meet up again very soon and then our lovely guests started to arrive.. 

Firstly Sheena, our lovely aunt/great aunt, then my sisters and mum. One of my sisters was diagnosed with a huge brain tumor three weeks into our trip.. and as you can imagine I was very pleased to see her and realise that she was alright. A little later we were joined by Toby, Guys brother. They all bought little welcome home gifts for the children and it honestly truly felt like Christmas - all day!! It was so good to see everyone and know that they would be with us in an hours' time, 2 hours time.. It's really as if I have to keep pinching myself to realise its real. 

It's so lovely to look around and see mess and not feel it has to be cleared up straight away because we're not in our own home. It's fantastic to think the children can scream as loud and for as long as they want to because we are in our own home (and I know that these things weren't a problem when we were staying with people) but its so great to NOT have to control the children to that extent. 

It's the small things that make this life we live so wonderful, not how much money you earn or how nice your house is.. It's the peace I feel when I relax; it's the happiness I hear in the children.. 

So tomorrow we have another mad day. We are expecting one of our old helpers who is arriving with his friend, to move, chop and stack some wood for us. (It's a huge amount!) 

Doesn't look like much from this angle but this pile is waist height and has increased from this amount:

This is the front of our house. So our helpers are here for two weeks and Guy is convinced that it will take then that long to get this lot of wood sorted out. 

It's back holiday Monday here too so I can't phone the school to see if the children have to wear uniforms - I think they must do if I have been given a price list for every item.. They will be wearing yellow polo shirts and navy jumpers with grey/black bottoms - should I buy then proper trainers and football boots etc? It's crazy and a little frightening to think I've got to them go into this big bad world. 

I realised another thing today. Now, I'm not religious, but I really do feel so incredibly blessed to have spent this amazing year with the children (and Guy of course!) Not many parents have the opportunity to do this and I really am thankful. So to have been with them when they experienced so many things for the first time, to have held their hands when they were worried or frightened, to have seen their fear turning into joy as they were conquered, to have had that, to have been there and lived with every moment.. I am so thankful. Words aren't really enough. 


A long walk

Yesterday was a day of peace and relaxation - until Guy suggested a three mile walk down the back lanes into Oxford! 

The walk is through the park behind our house, on the back lanes and alleyways for a further mile, and then through some beautiful water meadows into the centre of Oxford.  It usually takes about two hours and this was the first time we had walked it without the children being in their old buggy. (Guy did suggest taking the buggy but it was met with an absolute no - end of discussion - from me.) The children went in on their bikes (including Rowan) and we had a great chat with our friend Andrew (who bought his two lovely children with him). Esme isn't so confident on her bike yet so she stuck to her scooter. 

We are still really enjoying being home and doing that beautiful walk bought home to us how incredibly lucky we have been to have had such a successful trip and then coming bank to such a lovely city that we call home. The children are really enjoying discovering old places and  faces again and it's pretty amazing to hear how their brains work - Esme saw a little girl she used to play with and she said 'I know that girl don't I mummy? What's her name again? - I don't remember!' A quick reminder if the name and she's all smiles again! 

The weather seems almost autumnal already and with our thin blood we're all feeling the cold and we haven't had enough time to find any other jumpers from the garage.

The walk was pretty tiring and we had just finished lunch when the heavens opened and it started raining cats and dogs for the rest of the afternoon. Andrew and I caught the bus home with the littlest kids and Guy cycled back with the older ones then we all collapsed and rounded the evening off with a few games of chase the ace and then bed. 


Friday 22 August 2014

Hitting the ground..

We're still all really tired and Esme was awake four times in the night asking me about how to find faries at the bottom of the garden. I woke up to find Guy had already gone to get the car MOT'ed - which I am delighted to say almost passed.. Only £7 if expenditure.. So luckily we didn't have to buy a new car after it had been standing for a year on a neighbours drive. 

I must admit it feels really wierd to be doing 'normal' things again, and not worrying about repackaging my bag all the time. The list of things to do is endless and everything is still in the garage - and remains remarkably unscathed by mice or rats. 

It's so lovely to see people, to talk to our neighbours, to feel we 'fit' in a funny way.. And so great to be home. I keep looking out if the window in awe. The garden is completely wild but the trees are laden to almost falling down fullness of apples, plums and more apples and the blackberries are bursting from the bushes. 

After raising us from our deep slumber at 9am, a great friend of ours bought is coffee snd croissants.. so nice! And then had a lovely breakfast with us. 

Rowan and Esme were initially shy with their little friend Marcos but within half an hour I was told that I wasn't allowed in the room as the children 'were all discussing something they didn't want me to know about'. Fine! I think. A few minutes later there were little knocks on the door.. 'Can you let is out mum? We've locked ourselves in;)'

We went to the park and then to meet more lovely friends for a cup of tea but Rowan was so tired he tried to go to sleep in the cafe. He quickly recovered when he started eating the sugar lumps;) 

Then home again to play with their toys. Esme told me on more than one occasion how delighted she is to be home.. 

And them to the boring rigmoral of letter opening and form filling in and trying to get the children's school uniform organised (can't believe they're starting school in 2 weeks!!).. And to the applying of a job for me.. It's really hard as a woman to have to keep re-inventing myself but to be honest I think I may go a bit mad if I stay at home - and I find it pretty lonely on my own. So I'm pleased to be applying for a job. 

And tomorrow and the next day.. More visitors both days.. Should be fantastic but I'd better get baking lots of my lovely lemon cake! 

I'm not sure how interesting this on-going blog will be for you few readers.. Do let me know (if there are any if you left - apart from the lovely lady in Australia!) 
Must go to bed now but will take pics tomorrow! Promise! 

Sarah x

Thursday 21 August 2014


We all finally got home yesterday morning after a great flight home. The children were very excited to be playing as many games and watching as many films as humanly possible on the plane and they finally conked out two hours before we landed. 

Then they were so exhausted that I couldn't wake them up and Rowan had to be carried all the way to the bus as he couldn't wake up enough to walk! 

A quick trip on the bus bought us back to Oxford and back to our lovely home and found the children happily playing with their toys and delightedly riding up and down the driveway on their much missed bikes.

We met a couple of our neighbours whilst walking home  pleased to see us. 

Unfortunately we couldn't really stop to talk to them as we were carrying heavy heavy rucksacks and super tired children! A quick explore and reconnection with the house left us all feeling it had been well looked after in our absence and lost toys were found.. 

Saddles were duly raised and every time someone came over the visit Rowan whispered to me 'Can you tell them I want to show then that I can ride my bike?' So sweet.. 

My sister Charlotte came over for a quick cup of tea and had dinner with us and Toby joined us. There were squeals of delight when the children answered the door and lots of hugs for both Charlotte and Toby.. And within minutes Toby was on all fours being attacked by two very happy kids! 

Toby noticed the children have picked up mild American accents which he found very amusing! 

After finally getting the children to bed (well, Esme!), I discovered what the problem was with Rowan. 

I had put him into bed and read him a story and continued to unpack for a few minutes while they settled down. When going back into check on them about ten minutes later so noticed Rowan wasn't in his bed. He came into me pretty crossly a few minutes later. 

'Mum. I'm sleeping in the floor next to Esme and I've found a towel up cover myself in. I am NOT sleeping in a pink bed with Peppa Pig on my duvet!!' (I haven't been able to find his Buzz Lightyear cover.) I had to search around for a different duvet cover to even get him back into bed!! 

It's great to be home and see a few of our things around us. (Lots to unpack!) but what is better is the feeling that I don't have to unpack and repack my bag again every three days or worry about mozzies or where we are going to stay tonight.

In not sure I ever want to leave again!! 

Sarah xx 

Landed. Home by 1pm thursday

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Not left Usa yet. 1 or 2 day delay

At the airport

Here we are again. We were at the airport in Detroit yesterday after the car was stolen.. 

Hold on.. Rewind.. You might not know the car was stolen! 

Ok yesterday morning we got up to find the car was gone from outside the house and all that remained was a shattered window pane on the road. 

Luckily we had emptied the car of all our stuff the night before and we had fully comprehensive insurance so it didn't matter too much. A replacement car was found and we got to the airport in good time for our flight. 

Then we boarded our plane to hear an announcement from our pilot to tell us that we were in hold for half an hour due to stormy skies over Chicago. We waited.. And waited.. And then the pilot told us - scrap that.. We're going back to the gate. 

We waited some more. Then our flight was cancelled. This meant we missed our flight to London. Now Singapore airlines are saying we didn't turn up for the flight because as the passenger if us your responsibility to get to the airport. Huh???

Bummer. We stayed in Detroit last night in a hotel and we're hoping to get home sometime soon!! 

Living with hope in our hearts;) 

Sarah xx

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Detroit - Hire Car got stolen

Overnight. Just broken glass left in road.
Filing a policereport

At least we only lost a pair of glasses and 2 child seats.  We had full insurance. We took out camera and scooters.
So low impact overall

What happens is window is smashed. an old car is used to push the car a few blocks away. They then nick the wheels. As MOT is not required in Detroit there are a lot of cars that can push and not worry about the impact. So for 2 nights the car was with another one just behind it so it was safe from pushing. But not last night. Also if we had kerbed the wheels ie point them towards kerb then the pushing method wont work.
Oh well
60$ damage waiver was a sound investment

And we looked out the window early enough this morning to firstly file a report and secondly get another car and then get to the airport in time

Monday 18 August 2014

Detroit - a church

Latest fight over it craze between them is washing up

Other airbnb guests staying are a couple from NY in their mid twenties. He is a keen camera dude
So this starship enterprise offspring is a 4 rotor mobile camera he uses for going to top floors on the outside.  He was a block away with this and a passing policeman stopp3d to check he was ok and advised him to be careful. He said a car could come past and a gun would be pointed asking for the camera. 

This was somewhat surprising to me as even though this is a poor area with no other whites it has felt safe and people friendly, even if circumstances are challenging and roughly 30% empty grass lots where burnt down buildings have long since been cleared, 30% unoccupied declining buildings and 40% occupied. It was a reminder that there isn't a lot of middle ground between being a victim of serious crime and sitting in our safe house thinking all is ok

Today we packed and had some large heavy kids books we could not take. So we went a block away to find some kids we met last night to hand them over. Kids were on the steps.The mum Cinamon came out and the last word she mumbled to someone inside as she came out was 'caucasian' we chatted for a bit and she said that people iho dont really mix but she was glad we came if a little surprised . She has no car. The libraries have shut down. She cant get books. Her kids know the books she has so well that they know the words. Cinamon was 23 and renting a 2 bed for her and her 2 kids.800$ per month that she can barely afford. Its not very nice she said. She wants to leave town but cannot afford it. The kids were all playing together seamlessly. They see playmates not colours.

After 20.mins we walked back and the kids went ahead. A bloke fixing his brake pads at roadside looked sideways and offered rhe standard "How you doin' ?".  He had a serious but kind looking face. His name was Darren 44. Lived on the block all his life. He spoke about having more hurdles to overcome ...

"You mean discrimination?"

'Well yes I do'

He spoke about diet and social cohesion. He said about a shop that used to be there. An aptmt building on that corner A house in that space. All burnt down or demolished but so long ago that its just green grass and no footprint left. 

 Its really thought provoking and challenging and sad what has happened here. Its hard to explain but this place has got under my skin like no other place on our trip. How would any of our well to do streets at home look with the 30 30 40 percentages from above.  This decline has been going on since 1950 when popn was 2million. Its now 700000. Imagine how much space, empty road, abandoned schools pubs and shops this leaves?

So churches also get abandoned.

"Minister i'd like to confess. I have fantasies about renovating a house in Detroit working for myself but I wouldn't  be able to get a visa and my wife doesn't want to leave her family....Am I just getting carried away?"

'Calm down son. Think of the long winters. The crime and the fact that you would be an Englishman out of his home country. And what about the kids schooling, your job, and your counselling? You need some perspective. Go home'

"Oh ok ....actually I'm doing that tommorrow" 
I felt a bit nervous being in there as occasionally there are stories of urban explorers being cornered for their valuables once inside or it being a squatters home but it waa fine. However my first instinct inside was to learn more escape routes so I could not be cornered.
Our hosts can now train runner beans up to the second floor
We then went to Boston Edison district which used to be the homes of chief execs, presidents and bosses of car and other industries so the houses and streets are bigger than ever we have seen. Fewer  vacants and free lots but still some run down. We saw one white woman with a buggy and 2 kids in a 20 minute drive