Sunday 16 March 2014

Wellington to Napier

how to get into the boot? Leaving the others asleep I slipped out to see if daylight would br ing new wisdom. Contacted eddy to get number of previos owner. But turns out to be a work number and it was a sunday. Tried the key. No. Rang a Nissan dealer. They gave me a tow company. Tried a mobile auto locksmith he would be three hrs. So we went into wellington

warm city sunday. Bit of rain but no raincoats. Dropped everyone off at a museum. Sat waiting for Sam the key man whilst publishing blogs previously written. He turnrd up. Asked for key. After a ten second fiddle boot opened with key. "Original key thankfully so we can cut another. This one is terribly worn. $142 please"  he said more on the phone so i was happy. Thanks Sam

so poor weather wellington we decided to go for 313km to Napier. on the way we stopped in Woodville to find an ice cream place. They blend fruit and ice cream in front if you to order in a machine to create a whippee style tower. Friendly locals took a picture for their local paper as it was the parlours first week. 

Pitching tent at 7.50pm as It was getting dark it was worth It. Dinner was raw cauli for me and noodles fir the kids. They had slept in car so at 11pm they were still going strong. 

As sarah was wrestling with them i sat on a pub bench style seat in the dark. Air was warm. Grass felt warm. Gentle breeze. Feint traffic. Big moon

looking forward to Napier tommorrow

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