Wednesday 19 March 2014

Napier to Kawerau

Seen Zeason 2 of The Wire?..... or interested in the decline of 1960's The Thames as a cargo port.?  Know the date that containerisation started and its huge impact on labour?...know who Jack Dash is?... 

We drove up to

for the view up and down the coast in both directions but underneath the hill top, Napier Port quietly hummed along to a very low feint sound of machinery
It felt really close but then again the containers were small... maybe we were higher than It felt
at the top it was hot. Rowan wanted to stay in the car. Esme found longest ever stick which reached under the car and out the otherside. When Rowan saw this he was straight out of the car. Within 5 mins the stick was shorter and resting  in bits on the back of the car. 

Then 4 hrs to get to our next host/helping experience. As usual Sarah was clicking away

stopped at glass blowing place for break
3rd day out of 4 we had done 4  or 5 hrs in the car

"are we there yet?" Comes from the back a lot

When they are about to go to sleep we liven it up by stopping or singing or feeding or they play Angry birds
Kawerau Thermal Motel our home for the next week

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