Thursday 20 March 2014

Kawerau - the motel

20 rooms. All doubles or twin apart from 2 that host 5 in each. We have to clean or air a percentage of them everyday in exchange for a room and three foods a day.

If we work together then the kids just watch tele too much. This happened on the first day. The place has 52 channels. Yesterday I was flicking in a rare quiet moment and Song Remains the Same was on!

So on the 2nd day we changed it. I worked with Raewyn the hostess from a dark 6am till sharing breakfast at 7.30am when the family got up. Then it was craft work supervision for me,  and Sarah finished at lunchtime.
The nearby paper mill is on shutdown for two weeks to allow maintenance, cleaning, welding that sort of thing. The Swedish parent company has sent their teams over to work day and night shifts,  staying at the motel. So 5 of the rooms have dnd on them in daytime. 

One if the guys was born in Liverpool but went to Sweden when 19 so he was fluent and then lapsed back into English, smoking a Pall Mall, beer in hand sitting on a relaxing chair outside his room.

So we have afternoons free to relax or go places. 

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