Sunday 30 March 2014

Red Beach to Honeymoon Valley

Do you remember when your legs didnt used to touch the floor? It doesnt last long.

After a cooked breakfast we were off to our most northerly destination in NZ. 4 hrs driving that took us six. We annoyingly left behind some sickness bracelets that worked well for Esme.

We bought some bee pollen. If I was at work it would be a good unusual thing to bring round
We were in a roadworks traffic jam honestly. And I was bored
They had not been sick in them yet
Lunch stop at Whangarei. Then we were 3 hrs later arriving at Gerlindes house in Honeymoon valley after 4km on gravel. And omg its an earth timber clay house of incredible beauty and design. She did not indicate this on her profile. As we were getting out of the car a lady on horseback arrived and said

"Gerlinde at home?"

I didnt hear properly so I said

'Yes.......errr.... no sorry dont know we are just arriving'



(Wwoofing is another version of and

5 mins later we were enjoying a beer and wine around the table whilst pirate ship and castle entertained the kids
Ps can you tell these icecreams were not popular?

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