Tuesday 18 March 2014

Napier-the earthquake

Christchurch 2011 quake caused land to subside thus increasing likelihood of floods they had two weeks ago. And 3 years on they are still sorting everything out.

In contrast by 1933, 2 years after the smaller area affected Napier quake they moved back into the shops and cbd area. Additionally the land available to the north of Napier city was increased by 40 square km as the seabed rose by 2.7metres because of the uplifting techtonic plate impact of the quake. This caused the shoreline to move back ten metres. Fearing a tsunami that never came some folk initially huddled on high ground after the quake.

Note big  blue inner lagoon in  Middle of picture above
chemist shops at the time would have open flames and these caused fires. With broken water pipes, dynamiting buildings to create a fire break was the only way to contain fire. A navy boat in dock became beached by the rise of seabed. however it had the only workable radio as all power lines were cut. So it could radio for two more navy ships to come to the towns aid with medical supplies.

before there were colonial buildings. After is 2 pics below
161 people died or 1% of the then population. One bloke had his leg sawn off at his own request to free him from behind his cobblers work bench that had moved to trap him. 
the yellow building was the cobblers. The leg had been gained as a wooden replacement to a leg lost in WWI earlier in his life!

when it came to rebuilding none was allowed until a coordinated plan was put in place. Streets were widened. Most deaths were caused by things falling or bricks or signs  falling so this was all minimised In future eg no more roadsigns In the air
instead of 90 degree building corners two 45 degree corners were used on new buildings so to make it less likely to walk into someone but also as part of new styles
above new
below a building from pre quake that survived
is it obvious i went on a guided tour this morning?

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